
Welcome back to the Plaquemines Parish Public Schools Child Nutrition Program!  We are looking forward to another great school year!  Plaquemines Parish School Board participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs.  We are responsible for preparing and serving all meals offered to students throughout the district. 

Our menus are designed to meet the United States Department of Agriculture's guidelines as well as the dietary Guidelines for Americans. We offer healthy meals with an emphasis on whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Menus are planned for three age groups with targeted calorie and sodium levels per USDA guidelines.  Please check the menu section of the website for the current menu.  We hope that your child will join us for breakfast and lunch this year! 

We have some new changes this year that include new entrees and new recipes.  We tested these new items last year with our students and they were well received.  Our child nutrition employees take great pride in preparing delicious, appealing meals for our students, many of them from scratch! Each school offers students a minimum of five menu components for lunch (meat, grain, fruit, vegetable, and milk) daily, of the five items a student must select three items.  Students must select 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable in addition to or as one of the (at least) three items selected for breakfast and lunch.  Students are encouraged to select all five components!

We encourage our students to eat breakfast in an effort to improve health and performance. Did you know that consuming breakfast is a great way for your child to jump start their day?  We offer a variety of choices daily!  Studies prove that eating breakfast each day improves academic performance and increases the ability to focus and concentrate on schoolwork.  Please encourage your child to eat breakfast and lunch each day, we are happy to see them in the lunch room and are ready to serve them!

If you would like to become part of the Wellness effort, we encourage the public, parents, students, staff, School Board members and Administrators to join us!  We will send out notices as to when we meet.

Donna Norris