Cassandra De Hoyos » Photo Album

Photo Album

Ms. Kim Spotville, a United HealthCare Representative, spoke with parents about health care and available services. After the meeting, she met with parents to answer any questions that they may have had. Unfortunately, our first parent training/meeting at the Phoenix Head Start had to be rescheduled due to bad weather. <br><br>Before each meeting, several classes performed for the parents. The Boothville/Venice Head Start staff and children performed a couple of songs, which included a Mardi Gras medley with the children throwing some beads to parents. Teachers and children in our South Plaquemines Head Start center recited a couple of rhyme songs whereas the staff and children from our Belle Chasse Primary Head Start center performed Mardi Gras and educational songs. It was amazing to see how our children performed, how our teachers work blossomed, and most importantly, how elated our parents were watching their babies perform.