The Plaquemines Parish School Board welcomes and encourages parents and other school patrons to visit the schools at appropriate times; in fact, special programs and visiting days may be planned throughout each school year to provide opportunity for such visits.


Principals shall be responsible for establishing procedures that ensure the proper protection of instructional time and the welfare of the students and employees.  In accordance with state law, no person is allowed on school grounds or in school buildings or facilities without authorization from the appropriate school official.  Therefore, all visitors shall report to the principal's office immediately upon coming onto school grounds for their visit and follow all necessary regulations.  Principals are authorized to take the necessary steps in dealing with unauthorized visitors.


The Board, in accordance with state law, shall authorize principals, school administrators, or school security guards to search the person, and any item in the possession of a person who is not a student enrolled in school, or any school employee, while in or on any school property.  The search may be conducted at random with a metal detector, or physically when there is reasonable suspicion that such person has any weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol, stolen goods, or other materials which violate Board policy.




  1. Advance arrangements for visitation should be made to the principal's office by telephone or letter, if possible.

  2. Visitors to the school grounds or buildings must immediately proceed to the principal's office and state their reason for being at the school.

  3. All visitors who wish to speak with or have a conference with a specific teacher should make advance appointments with a specific time for the conference; however, if this is not possible, the visitor must report to the principal's office and state the reason for his/her request and the principal or assistant principal may schedule a conference the same day if it will not disturb or disrupt the class.  If this cannot be accomplished, then the principal or assistant principal shall establish as quickly as possible a date and time mutually acceptable.

  4. All visitors must sign in along with the time they arrive and receive a visitors badge from the principal's office; upon completion of the appointment or visit the badge shall be returned to the office and the visitor shall sign out along with the time they are leaving.

  5. Any visitor on the school grounds or buildings for the purpose of attending a PTA meeting or any other meeting shall proceed immediately to the room where the meeting is to be held and the principal's secretary shall have a sign in sheet in the room for all visitors attending the meeting.

  6. At the end of each school year, the principal's secretary shall forward the sign-in and out sheets to the Plaquemines Parish School Board Office, Belle Chasse, Louisiana.

  7. To eliminate any misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the word "visitor" as used above the word "visitor" shall include "parents, relatives, friends, concerned citizens, school board members and delivery men."

  8. Any visitor who does not adhere to these regulations and loiters on or about any school buildings or grounds and causes a disturbance may be guilty of loitering and may be prosecuted according to law.

  9. A visitor is guilty of loitering when he/she loiters or remains in or about school buildings or grounds not having any reason or relationship involving custody of or responsibility for a pupil or student, or any other specific, legitimate reason for being there and not having reported to the principal's office signing in and receiving a Visitor's Badge.


Adopted:  November 1, 2010



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:416.6, 17:416.10

Board minutes, 5-11-92


Plaquemines Parish School Board