The Plaquemines Parish School Board realizing its obligation to inculcate the mores and folkways of the community to the children entrusted to their care addresses the issue of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.


Empirically out-of-wedlock pregnancies, or acts leading thereto, are detrimental to the learning process and negatively impact a student’s (boy or girl) educational progress.  Thus, after judiciously considering all options, the School Board adopts the Louisiana Governor’s program on total abstinence (no sexual activity outside of marriage).


Consequently, any activity that is considered or could be considered as having a sexual connotation such as petting, fondling, contact with genitalia of a person, or sexual activity and sexual acts of a more explicit nature such as oral sex, anal sex, and/or sexual intercourse shall be considered under this policy sexual misconduct and a breach of this policy.


Proven involvement in any such misconduct while under the school’s jurisdiction may result in an expulsion of the student.  Additionally, the student(s) involved will be required to receive extensive counseling and will be reported to the Families in Need of Services (F.I.N.S.) program and the appropriate law enforcement officials as required in the Louisiana Children’s Code.


Adopted:  December, 2001

Revised:  April, 2010

Adopted:  November 1, 2010



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§14:41, 14:42, 14:42.1, 14:43, 14:81, 14:81.1, 14:81.1.1, 14:81.4, 14:125, 14:403, 17:416

La. Children’s Code, Art. 609, 610

Bethel v. Frasier, 478 US 675 (1982)

Board minutes, 12-18-01, 1-7-02


Plaquemines Parish School Board