The Plaquemines Parish School Board (PPSB) provides technology resources to its staff for educational and administrative purposes.  The goal in providing these resources is to promote excellence in Plaquemines schools through the use of technology.  This policy governs the use of all PPSB technology-related resources such as computer equipment, Intranet, Internet, and electronic mail.  Employees shall be responsible for the appropriate, efficient, ethical and legal use of technology and shall utilize the district’s resources only for purposes related to education.  Such use is a privilege that may be revoked at any time for cause.




The School Board provides access to the Internet to students, teachers, staff and administrators.  Research, collaborative learning, and exchange of educational ideas and information are regularly pursued on the Internet.  The School Board recognizes that appropriate regulations are needed to maximize effective educational use of the Internet and minimize abuse of the opportunity being provided.  Ethical, efficient and legal use of the School Board’s network shall be paramount.  The use of the PPSB network is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use shall result in a cancellation of those privileges and may result in disciplinary action by the administration, faculty, or staff and /or legal action by the School Board.


Accordingly, regulations for participation by anyone on the Internet shall include but not be limited to the following:


Communication and Collaboration


  1. Users must demonstrate honesty, integrity, and respect for others at all times.  Appropriate manners and language shall be required.

  2. Threatening, profane, or abusive messages shall be forbidden.

  3. Re-posting of personal messages without the author's consent shall be forbidden.

  4. Sending or posting anonymous messages shall be forbidden.

  5. Accessing, sending, receiving, or configuring electronically any profane or obscene language or pictures shall be forbidden.

  6. Perusing or otherwise accessing obscene or pornographic material, or using profanity in messages shall be forbidden.

  7. Transmission of any material in violation of any U.S., state, local or School Board regulations shall be prohibited.


Online Use


  1. Users will make use of assigned filtered network resources only for educational and/or professional development purposes.  Personal use of these resources is prohibited.  This includes using network resources for personal monetary gain such as operating a personal business.  The Internet may not be used for financial or commercial gain.

  2. A user shall not engage in unauthorized access, including hacking, and other unlawful activities on any computer.

  3. Perusing or otherwise accessing information on manufacturing bombs or other incendiary devices shall be forbidden.

  4. Product advertising, political lobbying, or sending messages involving illegal activities shall not be permitted.

  5. Users shall not harass or engage in personal attacks against another person.  Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person.

  6. Users will not use the PPSB network to access or create obscene, profane, discriminatory, harassing, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, unprofessional or disrespectful content in any electronic form including audio, images, video and text.

  7. Users shall not circumvent district content filters using any means in order to access inappropriate content as listed above.

  8. Users shall not access or use sites to make activity on the internet untraceable.




  1. Illegal activities, including copyright or contract violations shall not be permitted.  All persons who willfully violate copyright laws do so without the sanction of the PPSB School Board and at their own risk and shall assume all liability and responsibility. 

  2. Users shall not plagiarize works found on the Internet.  Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writing of others and presenting them as if they were the creator.


Equipment Use


  1. All users shall respect the privacy of others’ access codes and passwords.  Sharing a network/computer access codes and passwords is prohibited.

  2. No activities shall be allowed which may damage or interrupt equipment or any networking system.

  3. Any subscriptions to list servers, bulletin boards, or on-line services shall be only high quality discussion groups and information feeds that are relevant to educational or professional development activities and approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee prior to any such usage.

  4. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware or software data of the school system or another user.  Any report of vandalism shall result in disciplinary action.

  5. Any attempt to alter, harm or destroy equipment, the data of another user of the Internet, or any network on the Internet shall be forbidden. 

  6. No user shall be permitted to upload, or create a computer virus on the Internet or any networking system.  No software, programs or files may be installed or downloaded by any user without the prior permission of the technology department which must check for compatibility.  

  7. Violations shall be reported when evidence of such is encountered on the Internet.  Users shall promptly disclose to the appropriate supervisor any message they receive that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable.

  8. Tampering with selection menus, procedures or icons for the purpose of misleading or confusing others shall be prohibited.

  9. Music and non-educational video files shall not be downloaded or stored on PPSB computer/networks unless approved by school or district network administrators.

  10. Resources offered by the Internet and paid for by the School Board may not be willfully wasted.

  11. When a security problem is detected, it shall be reported immediately to the appropriate supervisor.  The problem shall not be demonstrated to other users.




  1. Users shall not post information related to the school, school staff, students, use images of the school, the school logo, initials or seal in any form on the Internet or in any form of electronic communication without specific written permission of the Superintendent and/or his/her designee.  The posting of any such information on any website, bulletin board, chat room, e-mail or elsewhere without permission or the posting or transmission of images or information in any format related to the school, staff, or students that are defamatory, abusive, pornographic, or which could be construed as threatening or impugning the character of another person is prohibited.


Any violation of the Employee Technology Acceptable Use policy shall be reported to the technology coordinator, supervisor or principal.  That person shall report the incident to the technology department or other appropriate personnel.


Any employee or other user who commits an act of technology misconduct may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.


Revised:  April, 2010

Revised:  August 8, 2011

Adopted:  November 1, 2010

Revised:  April, 2012



Ref:    20 USC 7131 (Internet Safety)

47 USC 254 (Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA))

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:100.7

Board minutes, 7-13-09, 8-8-11, 11-10-14


Plaquemines Parish School Board