The Plaquemines Parish School Board recognizes the importance of protecting the health and welfare of students, teachers, and other employees of the educational system from the spread of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).  The Board's policy and regulations regarding AIDS shall be reviewed and revised regularly as necessary to reflect current medical research and legal opinion.  The term AIDS shall refer to AIDS SYNDROME, AIDS Related Complex (A.R.C. symptoms similar to AIDS brought about by the same virus), and the etiologic agent for AIDS, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).


Epidemiologic studies indicate AIDS is transmitted via sexual contact or blood to blood contact.  Based on current evidence, casual person-to-person contact as would occur among school children appears to pose no risk.  However, studies of the risk of transmission through contact between younger children and neurologically handicapped children who lack control of their body secretions are very limited.  Therefore, decisions regarding the type of educational and care setting for AIDS infected children should be based on the behavior, neurologic development, and physical interaction with others in that setting.  The risk to the infected child should also be considered since children may have a greater risk of encountering infectious agents in a school setting than at home.


Based on current evidence, adult school personnel infected with AIDS, under ordinary school circumstances, will not infect school children or co-workers.  Since such an illness may cause severe psychological suffering, every effort should be made to place the infected employee in the least stressful position.


It is imperative that the school system respect the infected individual's right to privacy; therefore, knowledge that a child or an employee has AIDS should be confined to those persons who have a direct need to know.  Those persons should be provided with appropriate information and should be made aware of the requirements of confidentiality; however, as with any contagious disease, the public health department will be notified.


Student Guidelines and Procedures


  1. All children diagnosed as having AIDS and receiving medical attention may attend regular classes if medical evidence is submitted that indicates his/her condition is not a threat to themselves or others.  However, as with any infectious disease:


    1. If a child has cutaneous (skin) eruptions or weeping lesions that cannot be covered or necessitates the changing of dressings during the school hours, he/she should not be in school.

    2. If the child exhibits inappropriate behavior which increases the likelihood of transmission (i.e., biting or frequent incontinence), he/she should not be in school.


  1. Infected children may have a greater risk of encountering infectious agents in a school setting than at home.  Therefore, the parent or guardian and the child's physician, with the consent of the parent or guardian, should be notified if other diseases (i.e., chicken pox) occur in the school setting.  Assessment of the risk to the immunodepressed child is best made by the child's physician who is aware of the child's immune status.

  2. The attending physician, in conjunction with the Plaquemines Parish Public Health Department, will monitor the health of the student.  If school authorities and the child's personal physician are in conflict, the controversy shall be decided under the directive of the Plaquemines Parish Public Health Department.


    1. Any changes in the student's health status shall be reported immediately to the Superintendent of Plaquemines Parish Schools.  The school nurse shall assess the student's health condition in the school setting and shall report any significant findings to the Plaquemines Parish Public Health Department and with the parent or guardian's consent to the attending physician.

    2. Only persons with an absolute need to know should have medical knowledge of a particular student's case.  Those persons should be made aware of confidentiality requirements.  Those persons should also be educated in regard to the latest medical information concerning AIDS.


  1. Children diagnosed as having AIDS who remain at home should have an appropriate alternative education plan.

  2. Siblings of children diagnosed as having AIDS may be able to attend school with no restrictions.

  3. Care involving exposure to the infected child's body fluids and excrement, such as feeding and diaper changing, should be performed by persons who are aware of the child's diagnosis and the modes of possible transmission.  Gloves shall be worn in any setting involving possible exposure to the body fluids of an AIDS infected person.


Good handwashing shall be observed after each exposure and before caring for another child.


Adopted:  November 1, 2010



Ref:    20 USC 1400-1482, (Individuals with Disabilities Education)

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:1941, 17:1942, 17:1944, 17:1945, 17:1946

Health and Safety, Bulletin 135, Louisiana Department of Education


Plaquemines Parish School Board