The Plaquemines Parish School Board recognizes the operator of a school bus to be in authority with regard to student behavior in or about the vehicle which he/she operates.  School Board regulations regarding proper conduct on school buses shall be provided in writing to students and parents/legal guardians at the start of school each year.  The bus operator shall report disorderly or unmanageable student conduct to the principal/ designee of the school in which the student is enrolled.  Such conduct by a student shall be good cause for the principal/ designee to suspend the privilege of riding any school bus; however, bus operators may not administer disciplinary action and shall continue, except in extreme emergencies, to transport a student until disciplinary action is administered by the school.  It shall be the responsibility of the parents of students, in such cases, to provide transportation to and from school during the period of any suspension/expulsion of bus riding privileges.


In all cases of suspension of bus riding privileges, the parent, bus operator, and the Director of Transportation shall be notified by the principal/ designee within forty-eight (48) hours of such decision, of the facts concerning each suspension, including reasons and term of suspension.


If the principal recommends the expulsion of bus riding privileges for a student, a hearing shall be conducted by the Superintendent or his/her designee and thereby informing the student and parent as to why bus riding privileges are being recommended for expulsion.  The student, at that time, shall be given an opportunity to explain his/her version of the incident(s) to the Superintendent or his/her designee.  The decision of the Superintendent/designee shall be final.


A student who causes damage to a school bus shall be subject to suspension from school and shall not be readmitted until acceptable provisions for restitution have been made for such damage or until readmittance is directed by the Superintendent.




  1. All schools shall be provided with the School Bus Behavior Report Form, which shall be completed on any occasion when a student's conduct on a bus is unsatisfactory.

  2. One copy of the School Bus Behavior Report Form shall be signed by the parent and returned to the school principal.  The principal/ designee shall notify the student’s parent or guardian of a bus suspension within 48 hours of receiving the School Bus Behavior Report Form.  In all such cases a studentl shall be permitted to continue to ride the bus until transportation privileges have been denied by action taken by the appropriate school administrator.

  3. In cases of severe misconduct, the principal or designee may temporarily suspend the student's bus privilege until appropriate disciplinary action is taken.  The student's parents should be immediately notified of the temporary suspension.

  4. Immediately after taking disciplinary action, the principal, or designee, shall sign and shall indicate the disciplinary action taken on the School Bus Behavior Report Form.  Copies of the report shall be distributed to the student's file; to the parent; and to the operator.  A copy of the report may also be sent to the Superintendent or designee.

  5. In the event of an appeal of the principal's decision by parents, a hearing may be scheduled by the Superintendent or designee.




The Plaquemines Parish School Board cannot reasonably write a code of conduct that can foresee every potential infraction or situation.  Therefore, good judgment and common sense shall be utilized when making decisions.


All students who utilize the Plaquemines Parish School Buses for transportation to and from school and for extracurricular activities will at all times follow the rules and regulations for riding the school buses.  To help determine the severity of offenses, there should be two categories:


Category I:  Offenses of a lesser nature would be taken care of from a discipline standpoint in accordance with school and/ or transportation procedures.  Any combination of Category I misbehaviors that would suggest a pattern may be considered a Category II offense.


  1. No eating or drinking on the bus

  2. Bullying/ Harassment

  3. Keep arms, feet, and head inside the bus windows

  4. Stay seated in assigned seat

  5. Do not leave bus without permission

  6. Enter the bus and be seated as quickly as possible

  7. Talk quietly with others around you

  8. No glass objects are to be brought on bus (except eyeglasses)

  9. Do not disturb the operator by violating the rules or creating a disturbance


Category II: Offenses of a severe nature would be taken care of in accordance with transportation and/or school discipline policies and offenders would be subject to suspension/ removal from bus and/ or school.


  1. Fighting, tripping, or pushing at the bus stop or on the bus

  2. Bullying/ Harassment

  3. Throwing objects on/ from the school bus which could cause injury or distract the operator

  4. Use of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, alcohol, or any dangerous substance on the bus

  5. Profanity, vulgarity, or other inappropriate language

  6. Immoral or vicious practices

  7. Vandalism, defacing, or injuring any part of school bus

  8. Disrespecting or disrupting the bus operator, attendant, or passengers

  9. Disobeying, harassing, threatening, or striking bus personnel

  10. Carrying firearms, knives, or any other implement that can be used as a weapon.

  11. Committing some other undesignated violation.

  12. Crossing the 4 lane highway before getting on or after getting off the bus.


If a student does not abide by these rules and regulations and the misconduct is severe enough to warrant a written office discipline referral, then the following procedures will be adhered to:


Category I Consequences


1st Offense – Warning or detention


2nd Offense – Detention or 1 day bus exclusion along with a parent, student, operator, and administrator conference


3rd Offense – 1-3-5 day bus exclusion


4th Offense – Hearing for an extended bus removal with Director of Student Services


Category II Consequences


1st Offense – 1-3 day bus exclusion from riding any school bus along with a parent, student, operator, and administrator conference; a hearing for an extended bus removal with the Director of Students Services may be held depending on the severity of the offense.


2nd Offense – 3-5-10 day bus exclusion from riding any school bus or a hearing for an extended bus removal with Director of Student Services depending on severity of offense.


3rd Offense - 3-5-10 day bus exclusion from riding any school bus or a hearing for an extended bus removal with Director of Student Services depending on severity of offense.


4th Offense – Hearing for an extended/ permanent removal for remainder of school year with Director of Student Services.


Rules for Riders


The operator is in charge of the bus and the students.  For their own safety and the safety of others, students are expected to abide by rules and regulations.


  1. Students shall occupy the space designated to them by the bus operator.

  2. Students may converse in normal tones with other students around them.

  3. Students will remain seated and facing the front.

  4. Students shall be on time.  The bus cannot wait for those who are not on time.  Students are to have written permission and be authorized by the principal to get on or off the bus at a stop other than their own.

  5. Students shall not damage or deface the bus.  Students should not litter, but help keep the bus clean and sanitary by keeping their area clean and not eating or drinking on the bus.  

  6. Students will not horseplay and will keep their hands to themselves.

  7. Rules governing safety and behavior in the classroom and school building shall extend to the bus, if applicable.

  8. Because the Plaquemines Parish School Board cannot reasonably foresee every possible offense or infraction, the School Board’s Rules for Riders are not limited to the above.


Adopted:  November 1, 2010

Revised:  July 9, 2018



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:223, 17:416, 17:416.1

Louisiana School Transportation Specifications and Procedures, Bulletin 119, Louisiana Department of Education

Board minutes, 7-9-18


Plaquemines Parish School Board