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As IEP Coordinator, I monitor the Individualized Education Program (IEP) which is a written plan developed for each student eligible under IDEA that describes how the school district will educate the student. The parent(s) and a team of educators develop the IEP based on all the available information about the student. IDEA requires that school districts include a great deal of information about the student on the IEP, including academic goals, services the student will receive, how to deal with the student's behavior issues, accommodations that will be provided in the regular and special education classrooms and on the statewide assessment, the type of statewide assessment the student will participate in (if needed), transition services and post secondary outcomes. The IEP is the tool used to determine what services the student should receive and what a free, appropriate, public education means for that student. It is my job to ensure those services and monitor all IEPs for IDEA Compliance.